Monday, May 27, 2019

Emotional abuse, suppressed rage, ruined lives and more....

It's not meant to be spoken about or discussed and at times even complaining about it to others brings on adverse reactions. Emotional abuse by a parent happens and it is all too real for many. The complaints are usually brushed off as a teenage rebellion or the actions of an ungrateful child. As an adult you are to get over it and get on with your life. Forget that the abuse lives on and magnifies each year. It lives on in the actions of other people who you always relate to the abusive parent. It's magnifies because you do not want to deal with it . The anger lives on. Mostly suppressed because you are taught to not react. You are constantly reminded of your filial duty. You are consumed by guilt. The result is a unhappy, ruined life. Consumed by guilt, anger and depression.  The victim who can never be happy. It takes a lot of strength to deal with it and not succumb to triggers, but it is a life long struggle that many lose. Meanwhile the parent grows old, oblivious to the damage caused, expecting the child to take care of them. Even demanding at times.
Mental health problems are dangerous and the trauma inflicted on the person and people around them are never given the treatment or the attention it deserves.
We March on nevertheless, pretending everything is okay.
We run away, hoping it would go away.
We develop unhealthy relationships wishing we could forget.
The scars of the abuse never really go away.
It takes a truly extraordinary person to turn it into something positive.
The rest can only hope to not repeat the actions of the parent and not inflict the torture on others that we had been subjected to.

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